Java Variables

Hey Everyone, in my last tutorial I showed you how to setup a Java file and print “Hello World” to the console. Now lets learn about variables! In Java, every variable must have a type. The different types are: byte (number, 1 bit), short(number, 2 bytes), int (interger, 4 bytes), Read more…

Java “Hello World!”

Hey! Welcome back. Lets learn how to print to the console with Java. 1. Open up NetBeans and click the button that looks like a folder to create a new project environment. 2. Make sure “Java” is selected then hit continue. 3. Now name your project something meaningful and make Read more…

Python “Hello world!”

The first step on any programmers journey is, of course, to greet the world. However, before you can start typing away, you will need to install Python3. To do this, follow these steps: (I will be describing the installation procedure for Mac computers) 1. Click the magnifying glass in the Read more…