So, I was bored tonight and decided to try out Beautiful Soup. This is what I came up with in a couple of hours while watching tv. So I know it is super sloppy and inefficient, but if works. The info I’m scraping isn’t really interesting, but I just wanted to try it out. I’m working on another that will scrape newegg for GPU prices.

(I don’t know how legal this is. I have read on-line that it is legal but frowned upon. So just keep that in mind.)

To run this script (if you are new to python):
1. Copy this code.
2. Open your favorite text editor, I’m currently using Visual Studio Code and love it. It feels like sublime but with more features.
3. Paste this code into a file and save it with a “.py”
4. Open either the integrated terminal or just a regular terminal and navigate to the file.
5. type: python3 and hit enter.
6. Cool.

#This project is solely used for educational purposes
#I decided to mess around and try out beautiful soup.
#this is what I came up with in about 2-ish hours 
#so I know its not pretty, but it does work.
#feel free to improve it. 

from bs4 import *
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup

#return the page html so you can pull data from it
def get_page_html(url):
    uClient = uReq(url)
    page_html =
    page_soup = soup(page_html, "html.parser")
    return page_soup, page_html

#return the name of the shop or business
def get_name(container, counter):
    shop_name = container.find('a', class_="business-name").span
    shop_name = str(shop_name).split(">")
    #shop_name = str(shop_name).split("<")
    if counter > 0:
        shop_name = shop_name[1]
        shop_name = shop_name.split("<")[0]
        shop_name = "Add"
    return shop_name

#return the store address
def get_address(container, counter):
    full_address = ""
    if counter > 0:
        addr_container = container.find('p', class_="adr")
        street_addr = addr_container.span.text
        location_addr = addr_container.span.next_sibling.text
        location_addr = location_addr.split(",")[0]
        state_addr = addr_container.span.next_sibling.next_sibling.text
        # zip_addr = addr_container.span.next_sibling.next_sibling.next_sibling.text
        full_address = street_addr + " " + location_addr + " " + state_addr
        counter += 1
        full_address = " empty "
        counter += 1
    # print(full_address, "\n")
    return full_address

#get the store phone number
def get_phone(container, counter):
    number = 0
    if counter > 0:
        num_container = container.find('div', class_="phones phone primary").text
        number = num_container
        return number
    return number

#get the item number in the order they show up on the page
def get_item_number(container, counter):
    it_num = 0
    if counter > 0:
        it_num = container.find('h2', class_="n").text
    return it_num

#get the url of the next-page button at the botton of the page
def get_next_url(page_html, page):
    url_container = page_html.find('div', class_="pagination")
    new_url = url_container.a['href']
    url = ""+str(page)
    return url

#loop through 7 pages. Didn't want to pull too many pages, 
#not sure how much strain this puts on their server
for page in range(1,7):

    #skip custom url for the first page
    if page == 1:
       url = ""
        #start incrementing the page number and adding it to the end of the url
        url = ""+str(page)

    p_soup = get_page_html(url)[0]
    #extract each store container on the page.
    #most store-like sites have easily iterable containers
    containers = p_soup.find_all('div', class_="info")
    counter = 0
    for container in containers:
        #return the actual store data
        item = str(get_item_number(container, counter))
        name = str(get_name(container, counter))
        address = str(get_address(container, counter))
        phone = str(get_phone(container, counter))

        #format the output to the screen.
        #I know this is super messy, but it works and I'm lazy
        print("{:10} {:40} \n{:10} {:40} \n{:10} {:40} \n{:10} {:40} \n".format('Item: ', item, 'Name: ', name, 'Address: ', address, 'Phone: ', phone))
        counter += 1
    #increase the page to "click" the next page button
    page += 1
    print("Page: ", page)
    get_page_html(get_next_url(p_soup, page))